A London trained doctor (FRCP), Chris worked through 1980s in Somalia with SCF and then UNICEF in refugee and village-based health care, and as primary care adviser to the Somali Government. Retrained in Public Health (FFPH) in London, he then worked as DPH in health authorities for 15 years.
From 2006 he headed up the Health Inequalities National Support Team (HINST), which worked with the 70 most deprived areas of England with the poorest health (Spearhead areas), feeding in the lessons for policy to DH within the national inequalities strategy.
Since 2011 Chris has worked independently on health inequalities and population health issues, at local, regional and national level (including with PHE and NHS England) and through WHO in Europe. He worked as an adviser to NHS EHIT during Covid. Currently engaged in how inequalities issues can be central to System, Place and Neighbourhood integration, and how adapted experiential learning from the HINST and their subsequent developments including through PHE and NHSE can help drive this.
He was a visiting Professor with Sheffield Hallam University, and he has been Non-Executive with Community Health and Care Trusts for 12 years, currently in the Wirral.